The Only Month-By-Month Pregnancy Guide for Black Women

Let’s face it ladies, it can be hard living in a culture that equates beauty with long flowing hair and a rail thin body, especially when you’re the total opposite. That’s why we validate and affirm ourselves. Reading a book that echoes just how beautiful you are during one of the most natural and vulnerable times in your life is a gift. This book is a gift, as is the birth of a baby into our society. We all get one more chance for improvement. Women should be celebrated and feel good about showing their beautiful pregnant bodies and that includes black women. Black, Pregnant & Loving It! is really about loving and celebrating both of those realities. It’s about the beauty and grace of black women and the gift of their child to the world. This book proclaims we no longer will accept white women as the standard by which we are measured. Make no mistake about it;  pregnancy for us is a beautiful experience.